He has been here for a couple months now. When he first showed up he was wearing a collar, and the tag was very visible from a distance. I am unable to get close enough with all that hair he has to see if he lost the collar or just the tag.

He is very scared, and does not seem to be very street smart. He is finally coming as close as 10 feet to me, but not close enough to pet. He will watch and wait for me to put the wet food out for the other ferals on the back patio, and as I walk away he will come up and eat along with the others.

Unfortunately when he sees Karl or Storm, he panics, screams the most terrifying scream. I can actually recognize his yowling while I am inside the house, he has such a distinctive and unique sound. I have worked with hundreds of ferals and strays through the years, but I must admit, I have never heard the type of sound and panic that comes from this boy.
I am hoping to trap him this weekend. I am still not sure what I am going to do with him. I really do not want to release him to live outside as a feral. Knowing he had a collar once, tells me he is tame, he is just scared. If I can work with him, I will attempt to foster him until he will be ready for adoption.
He is such a magnificent boy.

The cats are keeping me quite busy lately. It was calm and quiet around here for awhile; I miss those days. We have many strays, perhaps some born feral, as I have spotted three young cats, possibly around 6 months old hanging in and around my shelter.
Busy days ahead!