Tuesday, December 28, 2010

It's Been a Long Time

I guess it is about time I stop by blog land and say hello to all my friends.

Unfortunately this is going to be a very short post. I am typing this with one finger on my left hand, and I am right handed, a very difficult and painful thing to do. More about that later.

The dogs are all doing alright, except for Jarie. I mentioned in my last post about the virus all the dogs here caught. Since then, Jarie has gone downhill a bit. She already had a compromised immune system, and we think the virus just set her whole system out of wack. We struggle with getting her to eat, to prevent the vomiting, to prevent the digestive upset, and last but not least, to prevent her from bleeding internally, since she has von Willebrands Disease. Many ear infections, eye infections and sores popping up all at once. The one blessing with all of this is Jarie continues to be the very happy dog she is. I hurt to see what she is going through, and we struggle for answers, to help her the best we can through the knowledgable vets we have and from all the support and help our friends have given us. She is worth fighting for, and we will continue the fight.

I know many of you are wondering about Annie. In our eyes, she is perfect. She is what our house needed. She is doing well in agility and obedience, and her manners are coming along nicely. She is a very confident girl, and to her, everyone, human and animal, are her friend. I will post photos another time.

Now, back to my one finger typing. I fell last week. I dislocated my right shoulder, but not only that, I also broke it in 2 different spots. Gave myself a very nice black eye, as a result of hitting the table when I fell. I have been in a lot of pain, and can't do much for myself. Luckily I have a wonderful husband who not only is doing his job, but caring for me, and taking care of the house chores and all the critters too. I'm scheduled to have surgery this Thursday, and start physical therapy on Friday. I have significant nerve damage in my right arm and hand. The Orthopedic surgeon said some of the feeling will return over several months time, but it won't be the same. As of right now, I have very little feeling in my right hand.

So, not a great update for being away so long, and probably not that pretty to read. I do apologize for the one finger, left handed sloppiness.

Hugs to all!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Work Frustrations, and Sick Puppies

I have been away longer then I intended to be. I thought while I have a minute I will write a quick explanation.

September has proven to be a horrible month. Work is keeping me quite busy. After having my licensed childcare/preschool business for 17 years, another jurisdiction is taking over all the childcare licenses in my county. What this means is instead of me just sending in my renewal licensing fee like I normally do, I have had to fill out stacks of paperwork, applications, more fees, and more classes to attend, in order to renew my license. Quite frustrating, as it feels more like I am applying all over again. All of this paperwork, and running around trying to get everything done in a timely manner, isn't something that can be done in a week.

The good news is, I finally finished it all, and it is now in the mail. Hopefully everything is correct with it all.

Now the bad news. All of my dogs have been sick and we can't figure out why. Some sort of virus we think. Annie was the first to get sick, but recovered after a couple of days. Next came Bandit and Jeni, they prefer to do everything together I guess. They are currently being treated with antibiotics, and much improved, but have lost a lot of weight in just a couple of days.

This morning Jarie was rushed to the vet with similar symptoms as the others. Of course with Jarie, having a compromised immune system, IBD, and von Willebrands Disease, an illness like this can affect her very seriously. She is still at the vets as I type this, and we are not sure yet, when she will be coming home.

If anyone has any prayers to spare, Jarie sure could use them.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Annie At The Park

I am finally up and running with my new computer, and things are starting to settle down around here. I have many updates to share with everyone, but....since I am so far behind in updating about Annie, here are some photos taken while we were at the park yesterday.

We are having a blast with her. She is enjoying agility class, and is a quick learner. She is a very happy little girl, we couldn't be more pleased with her. She is five and a half months old now. Seems time is going by so fast. As much as I look forward to seeing her mature, and becoming all she can be, part of me doesn't want her to grow up.

She is out with us quite a bit. To her, everyone is her friend, human and animal. Very fond of children, and tends to gravitate toward men when she hears a mans voice.

Around the house she gets along with all the dogs. To our surprise very quiet. She has not picked up the barking from the rest of the crew. We are hoping she doesn't. So nice to have a puppy that doesn't feel they need to bark at every little noise, or every time we walk in and out the door.

Have I mentioned lately how much we love this little girl?

Next week I will not be posting about Annie. I do need to update about the other critters around here, there has been a lot going on, and I feel I have been a little neglectful with updates on all the other important loves of my life.

My goal now is to start posting weekly again, as time permits.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Computer Problems and More

After many attempts to access blogger, I have finally gotten through. My apologies for my absence. July has not been a very good month for us. First, we were still puppy sitting the Chocolate Labrador puppy until the second week of July, and he took quite a bit of our time, and if I do say so myself, it was a little chaotic around here.

While the house was a bit crazy, things were still running quite smoothly until my Husband ended up in the hospital for a couple of days. We thought it was his heart, fortunately his heart is in good health; and he is ok. I must say I was really sick with worry for a bit, but he is well and everything is back to normal, almost.

My computer crashed a couple weeks ago, so I have been without my computer. I have been temporarily using my husbands laptop, but with this laptop, I have been having trouble accessing blogger, my email, and many other important tasks of mine, until now. My new computer will be here in a week, so hopefully I will be up and running, and be able to catch up on all my reading.

One positive thing that has occurred through the month of July. Annie started her puppy foundation agility class, and is having a blast.

I will update more, once my new computer is up and running.
We hope August will be a much happier and more productive month. Until then, I hope everyone is happy and well.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Puppy Zoomies

This was taken this past weekend when my hubby just arrived home. A typical greeting with the puppy zoomies. Annie is 3.5 months in this video.

Updated photos in the post below, just scroll down.

Just Photos

Annie, 12 weeks old, with Jeni, her best friend.

14 weeks, meeting friends at flyball practice

15 weeks old

16 weeks old

One of the reasons I have had no time for blogger. The Chocolate Labrador puppy we are puppy sitting and training.

I will post a video on my next post.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Hello, and Annie

A big HELLO to all my blog friends! I must apologize for not writing sooner. Many of you must think the puppy is keeping me busy, but in all honesty, Annie is in a nice routine right along with the rest of my pack and fits right in.

My childcare is keeping me very busy and just a little overwhelmed. Business is going strong, and I have extended my hours, which keeps me away from the computer. With a house full of 2 and 3 year olds, by the end of the day, I just can't concentrate enough to write something worth reading on my blog. Of course my evenings are devoted to the dogs and cats, and lets not forget hubby!

I am trying to rush through this blog post just to get some photos up for all of you that are wanting to watch Annie grow. Blogger took way too much of my time (time I don't have to spare) trying to upload these photos.

We have been getting Annie out every weekend, to different places, so she can meet different people, dogs, and cats, and familiar with new sights, sounds, and smells. She is a very well rounded puppy, and a very confident one.

Please enjoy the photos, and I will try, and this time I will only say "try" to give an update sooner, with all the happenings with the rest of my pack.

We will be puppy sitting a friends 4 and half month old Chocolate Lab for a few weeks, starting tomorrow, hopefully I can find a few minutes during his time with us to post about that experience! Yikes!!