Friday, March 27, 2009

Random Thoughts

I remember when my favorite veterinarian retired. He had treated so many of my past pets. When he retired I was devastated. he knew us so well. He knew, we knew our pets, and trusted us just as much as we trusted him. When he introduced us to the vet who took over his practice, we had no idea how things would go. By our surprise, we loved him even more then our original vet. Who knew?! He was perfect, and had the very best bed side manner with our fur kids. Then he moved out of state a few years ago. Could we possibly be as lucky again with another new vet? You know, three times a charm? No. We were so unhappy with the new vet, and he just didn't seem to be what we wanted for our pets. So I did my research. A lot of research. I got recommendations from friends. Made several calls over several weeks, talked to Office managers at all the clinics I might have been interested in, and asked a lot of questions. Yes, that is what I do. I just don't go to any clinic. I want what is best for my dogs and cats, and I want the vet to be as comfortable with me, as I am with him/her. I researched for weeks before finally settling a couple years ago.

With human doctors, I do the same thing. It seems like every time we find a good family practice physician we like here, they move out of state. When my husband wasn't feeling well a few years ago, I again was back to researching, asking questions, about different practices, getting referrals and such. Last month I had to do the same thing. Find a certain type of doctor for my Father in Law. One that he would be comfortable with. Lots of research and telephone calls again.

So why is it so easy for me to do my research and find doctors and make appointments for everyone I care about, but so difficult for me to do this for myself?

I know I haven't been well for several months now. I just kept brushing it off as a stubborn cold. But things just are not right. I'm having breathing difficulty, pings in my chest, my lungs hurt, well, everything hurts. I am so stubborn. I hate going to the doctor because anytime I go, they always seem to find something else wrong that I didn't even go in there for. So, now I have to start my research all over again, but this time for me, and here I am writing about it, instead of doing it. If this was for my hubby or my dogs or cats, you better bet, it would have been done already, and they would have already been there and back.

Sometimes I think I am just too picky, nah, I'm just stubborn. I never complain, and just keep on going about my chores, my daily routine, but I know now, I really need to find a doctor. I don't think this would even be a problem for me if Doctors would just stay here. But it seems every year I have to start all over, and it gets really frustrating. I don't do well with change, and changing doctors, and finding new doctors, takes me out of my comfort zone.


flydragon said...

Hey Lady, get thee to a doctor post haste!!!!!!! You've been feeling poorly for way too long!!!

Andrea said...

I hope you see a doctor soon!! You are doing for your furkids and your hubby...cuz you are important to them!!! :)

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

you're not alone... doctors have been nightmare material for me, i find a good one, settle in and then "POOF" they're gone. I have been without a doctor for over a year now, because I discovered I felt better without all the stupid meds...but I know, with the medical issues I am dealing with, i should at least have a PCP that has my records and history...can't even make myself make the phone calls...

BUT!!!! I am feeling good, relatively speaking...YOU on the other hand....

Anonymous said...

I do the same. I need all my female check ups. It has been years,but I hate it. I have got to get things together.I am starting to feel bad alot.
We better both get going.

Dana said...

Please see a doctor:0 My uncle just called me to tell me my dad is sick but wont tell me because he doesn't want me to worry. I talked to my dad and he just says he is fine. Im worried. Please see a doctor:)

Dog_geek said...

I might not be one to talk, but I've really made an effort over the past couple of years to be better about going to the doctor when I know there's a problem - and you need to do the same! Do it! Do it now!

♥Caroline♥ said...

I know how you feel about going in for one thing and finding another...but in a way it's good. If you had not gone in for one you would not know about the other and things pile.
anyhoo...get to the doctors...

troutbirder said...

Go to the doctor right now. No excuses. Even if it's uncomfortable, inconvenient, or too expensive. Do it now! Several years ago Mrs. T went to a local clinic and was advised that her "problems" would very likely resolve themselves and she should check back in a YEAR. I advised a second opinion. She went to the Mayo Clinic. I doctor said "how about surgery tomorrow?" She said "no", I have to clean the house first. I said "tomorrow." It saved her life.

Jane said...

High thee to the doctor! I love reading your posts and want to see you better very soon!

Many cyber hugs,


Unknown said...

I agree that at this point you should just see a doctor. Don't assume nothing will be found and if that's the case, get a second opinion. Always, start first with checking the credentials of your doc.. to verify board certification and check state licensing board for anything issued against his/her license. But the worst thing to do is nothing.

Hope you feel good soon. Norwood

Jan said...

I read your post this morning but I was in a hurry (as usual) and didn't comment. But it kept nagging at me that I needed to comment. I am like you. The cat has a new specialist (for when he needs him) and my husband has multiple doctors for all his problems. I am the only one that does not go to the doctor. I think I got that trait from my father. Everyone else is first and I am last on the priority list. I had a "dizzy spell" last weekend and here I sit not doing anything about it. It was violent and scary and then it passed. I told my husband the next day but that was it. I haven't felt right all week. You and I need to take some action. Right? We need to keep tabs on each other and check our progress. Deal?

T said...

Thanks for yelling at me guys, now maybe I will do something about it, huh?!

Norwood, thanks for the link!

Jan, good deal, will do!

Betty said...

Oh, my; you said on the phone you had been ill and we talked then about you going to the doctor. Now it's how many weeks later? You are a little stinker...get busy with your research or just pick someone and go...but, do GO! We certainly don't want anything to happen to you! Take care.

Daniela said...

Time to get off your tukus and get to the doctor. I love the word Tukus..anyway, I hope you feel better soon. Keep us posted.

Carolina said...

Okay, so you'll have to find a doctor soon! I don't like going to the doctor myself, so I know what you mean. Still, do yourself and everybody that cares about you (moi and a lot of other bloggerfriends) a favour and go!
And I hope you feel better soon.

Big hug xx

Anonymous said...

My Dear T
Tell your friend Jan that is how I started out. Best you both get to the doctor.

DayPhoto said...

Oh, T, please go! You mean so much to all of us! WHO would take care of the fur kids, very few people care about feral animals, and you do.

Your husband would be lost without you!

And those of us who know and love you would be devastated if we couldn't blog with you anymore.


Lilli & Nevada said...

AAAH don't delay and seek that dr I too have problems finding the right dr i think i am on my 7th

Dana said...

Hi T., hope you are feeling better and I hope you finally went to see a doctor.