Thursday, July 8, 2010

Just Photos

Annie, 12 weeks old, with Jeni, her best friend.

14 weeks, meeting friends at flyball practice

15 weeks old

16 weeks old

One of the reasons I have had no time for blogger. The Chocolate Labrador puppy we are puppy sitting and training.

I will post a video on my next post.


Cyndi and Stumpy said...

cuteness overload!

T? I was going to take you up on the offer of a phone consult, but I know how busy you are and hate to interrupt hubby time, me there a particular time that works?

Far Side of Fifty said...

She sure is cute, it looks like she is growing into her legs..and having a blast and getting spoiled too:)

T said...

Yes, she is in her leggy stage!!!

Cyndi, I will email you in a bit and we will set up a good time!

DayPhoto said...

I love looking at all of these. I like the 15 month old third photo it looks like she is smiling!



Maria Mcclain said...

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