Here I am again apologizing for my absence. My computer has been having some issues which has caused me not to be able to access Blogger, and on the days I was able, it would not allow me to comment. First I was thinking it was Blogger, but I have been having problems with my internet service. For now, I am back on, hopefully for good.
The last time I missed a couple weeks blogging, was last December when I was sick. I must admit, I never really got over that, was getting better, but never feeling one hundred percent. Then a couple weeks ago, I took a turn for the worse, and became very sick again. My immune system just isn't doing its job. I had gotten where I couldn't eat anything because my esophagus felt swollen and it hurt with anything going down. I have no voice half the time, and just plain miserable. My mom says stress is affecting my immune system, well, moms know best, right?
I think I may have discovered why I haven't gotten much better, but I will post about that another time. For now, let me update you all on Lacee.

I have begun to let her loose running around the cat room doing what ever she pleases, for longer periods of time, without me standing right over her, but still I am in the room. Lets just say she is one wild little girl! She is all kitten, pouncing and jumping on anything and everyone. I tried so hard to get good pictures, but she is just too fast. Mac loves to play with her, but he is afraid. She does not play gently, she has never learned how, so when she bites him, he cries and tries to get away.

LG on the other hand, is an excellent teacher. I am so proud of him. He would run up to her, then walk away and get her to follow him, when she didn't he would go back to her until she did. He was teaching her how to climb up all the shelves and how to get back down again. She had a tough time at first, as she wouldn't jump from shelf to shelf, she tried to stretch and climb at first, but it did not take long for her to catch on. She loves to play and wrestle with LG, as he is a little tougher then Mac, but he is still very gentle, and watching them play, I can clearly see how he is teaching her how to play gently, although watching her, that may take awhile.

She gets to running and pouncing so fast, she goes sliding sometimes across the mats, dumping food, water, and even litter from the litter box everywhere. She is a fun and very wild little thing. I have a feeling quiet days in my cat room are going to be few and far between.

She walks all the time now. No more crawling. We can see she walks a little odd and stands a little differently then a normal cat, but for her, she is doing just fine. She still prefers to climb, rather then jump up on things, but she is getting the hang of it.
Enjoy the pictures. Now, I am off to go catch up on all of your blogs.
Glad you're back up and running. I missed reading your posts:))
The pictures are great! She is one happy little kitten now that she has you and your hubby in her life! And, LG and Mac, and Momma, etc., etc....haha. She has so many teachers to help her learn.
I really enjoyed our talk this's so nice to visit with someone about family, friends, and best of all...furry friends!! Thanks.
Hope you can solve your 'issue' soon and will feel better each day...fresh air (for him) may do the trick.
I'm glad you posted on my blog and that you added me to yours! Thank you so much! I am concerned about your health. Do you know what is going on? We just found out that my husband, our son (he is 38) and our granddaughter (she is 4) all have Celiac's Disease. Being ill is terrible, but sometimes knowing how to treat the illnes makes it workable.
Two really good looking cats there!
Glad your back and I love the last picture. Way to cute!
Hope you feel better soon!
Glad you are back. Lacee looks like she is loving her new life. The cat I had spayed wanted to be with her family outside, she still comes to eat. yesterday she brought one of her brothers.
Nice to have you back. Missed your posts! :)
PHEW!!! Already I am worrying about you!!! And Jake and Jarie, and yes the kitties, too...what is up with that??? it just doesn’t fit...
I discovered olive leaf this past winter. I am one of those never EVER get sick people (except for the RA, fibro, etc.) but something got me this winter and a friend told me about olive leaf, a natural antibiotic. What ever it was got its butt kicked. In two days I was back to normal...
Glad you are back...
Olive leaf extract (oleuropein) is a natural wide-spectrum antibiotic, anti-bacterial, anti-viral,anti-fungal compound. Unlike synthetic antibiotics, it destroys only the bad bacteria and protects the good. Medical research suggests that when Oleuropein is taken orally, it searches out and "inactivates" the bacteria. It does this by dissolving the outer lining of the infectious germs and then it penetrates the infected cells, thus inhibiting the replication of the bacteria.
beautiful pictures...lacee will get it soon hopefully.
I really hope that you feel better soon it's too long to be sick still.
It looks like she's adjusting to her new life quite well!
Glad you are back!
Nice to see little Lacee getting around so well, and kudos to LG for being such a good teacher! I hope that you are feeling better soo, though! Take care of yourself!
I have linked your site to mine!
The dreaded Internetconnection! Only fun when it actually works. I know!
Anyway, glad you're back with us again. I'm a bit worried about your health though. Take care of yourself, yeah?
Great pictures of Lacee and the other cats. LG is sort of an older, wiser brother then? So sweet of him to be so patient with her. She looks like she's having tons of fun. And that is great!
Thank you all. Lacee is doing quite well, we couldn't be happier. She sure makes for a noisy cat room though:)
Thank you for adding my link to your page too, much appreciated. Thank you also for worrying, I think I will be fine, but I know my health is nothing to take lightly. I am sorry to hear about the Celiac Disease in your family:(
Thank you for caring for all of us, and the kitties too, Hooray, maybe I'm rubbing off on you just a bit;)
Thanks for the link, I will look into it.
I am glad you are back and hope you are much better. Missed you. Love your cat pictures. Did you see my cat video of my friends cat. It is called Lundy Hates Me. I thought of you when I posted it cuz you are such a cat lover.
Thanks Jan,
I had been catching up on everyone's blogs today, so thanks for pointing that out, and thinking of me, i will be sure to check it out.
I had been wondering where you went. You take care of yourself, eh. Those guys need you strong and healthy to be there for them and whatever other fuzzy creature comes along in the future too.
If out of my last number of blogs you try to catch up on... I was wondering if you could take the time out for this one...
It just got bumped to my second page, about a Golden Lab.
I always said that the next cat I got I was going to have two of them together just so they could be each other's company when I go out of town. But did I? So now I'm going out of town in April and I'm already worried about Hank. Frustrating. Love your photos though. Adorable cats. Don't you just love them?
I don't think you will have any quiet days in the cat room. Lacie taking a bite was my favorite... although I wouldn't want to be the recipient. At least LG will teach her.. Hmm now if they would only let me in for some fun... hee hee
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