In case anyone is wondering, yes, I'm still alive! I have been very busy the past 2 months. I had a second surgery on February 14th for my broken shoulder. Any of you that does not know the details, you can read it in my previous posts here and here.
I spend a couple hours 3-4 days a week at Physical therapy. I have a CPM (continuous passive motion) therapy chair here at the house. It helps my range of motion. Per the doctor I need to sit in it for 1 hour, 4 times a day. I have several exercises I need to do at home, every hour of the day that I am awake. My life revolves around physical therapy, I should be getting paid for this!
I have improved quite a bit since the last time I posted. My hand is still numb and tingly all the time, but I have gotten use to the feeling. I am getting plenty of my independence back, and am able to do most things on my own again. I can only lift my arm a bit higher then my waist. I still have days that I get a bit discouraged, wondering if I will ever be able to do things that take two hands to do. I know with the significant nerve damage and all the breaks I encountered, it is just taking time. A slow process. But I will get there, I just have to remind myself these things take time. It has been 3 months since I fell, and the Doctor and Therapist both say I am not even at the half way point of my recovery. I can not wait to be able to do my hair with both hands!
The dogs and cats are all good. We have been busy with all of them, taking advantage of the cool weather. Annie is enjoying agility and obedience. We are going to be introducing her to some sheep in a couple of weeks and hope to start herding lessons with her soon after. That should be fun.
I hope everyone has had a healthy and safe winter, and are enjoying the beginning of Spring.
Some recent photos for all of you to enjoy!

March 12th, we celebrated Annie's first birthday.

She enjoyed her cake, and especially liked the icing.

I made dozens and dozens of healthy, all natural treats for her many canine friends for her birthday party. Carrot & Oatmeal, Peanut Butter & Banana, and Apple Cinnamon & Oatmeal. They were all a huge hit!

Sitting in my Physical Therapy chair. Think she's trying to tell me something?
Waiting for her agility class to start.